Raising a family in New York has its own set of advantages and trials, and our Family & Parenting section can help to provide you with tips and tricks from other local Long Island parents. From keeping the kids quiet on long car rides, to the best recreation spots, we've got you covered with insights on the topics that matter most to parents.
By Lauren Pozmanter June 13, 2012
Raining or too hot outside? Check out some indoor fun ideas for the family!
By Lauren B. Lev March 23, 2012
How the family car acts as a communications vehicle all over Long Island.
By Vickie Moller January 27, 2012
The holidays are behind us and the long, cold winter season is officially upon us. Instead of counting the days till spring, why not resolve to make this time of year special by designating one ...
By Long Island January 23, 2012
When my kids were babies, I was sure that television and video games were the root of all evil in the world, and it was my job to protect my children from having their ...
By Long Island January 12, 2012
My older son has been a terrible eater since the first day I slipped a spoon of rice cereal into his mouth. The only meat he will eat is chicken - and that is ...
By Long Island January 11, 2012
Since the mid 1800s, music has been used as a tool to help children with memorization and other learning functions such as understanding math and science and spatial intelligence in newborns. The Houston Chronicle ...
By Hannah M. January 05, 2012
Is there anything you always wished you could do, something you’d like to learn, but you’ve been putting it off or simply haven’t had the time to work on it? It’s never too late and ...
By Long Island December 02, 2011
Making the Kids Table THE place to be.
By Long Island November 17, 2011
Dr. Kent, in his The Happiest Toddler on the Block, refers to children as “tiny little neanderthals.” As the mother of two beautiful little boys who I love and adore to no end, I ...
By Long Island October 28, 2011
There is no greater loss than that of a child. From the first moment we hear the thumpity-thump of their tiny heart’s beat, we know that our lives will be changed forever. For a ...
By Cait Russell October 24, 2011
As the end of October is quickly approaching, everyone has at least one thing to look forward to: Halloween.
By Long Island October 06, 2011
Every Fall, the east end of Long Island is inundated with tourists in search of the most gorgeous gourds and perfectly pristine pumpkins. Although the day is sure to be one for the ...
By Vickie Moller September 15, 2011
As a returning student, I brought enough life experience to the educational process to have encountered more information than I would like to admit that has served to reprove and censure some of my past ...
By Long Island April 12, 2011
A Plea for Our Children by Laurel Sutton - Miller Place Resident